Climax O-Shot | CHICAGO, IL

Climax O-Shot For Increased Sexual Pleasure

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"I noticed an immediate difference after the climax shot procedure, thank you Dr. Kafali!"

The Climax O-Shot™, also known as the vagina shot or sex shot, is a quick in-office treatment designed to help women who cannot orgasm easily or women who have vaginal dryness causing discomfort.

The Climax O-Shot uses your own blood (plasma-rich platelets) and is injected into your clitoris and vagina. The result may help increase sensitivity to the area and ultimately increase the ability to orgasm more easily.

FemSculpt™ is the first practice dedicated exclusively to feminine rejuvenation. Dr. Sue Kafali is a board-certified cosmetic gynecologist and is a renowned expert in vaginal rejuvenation, sexual wellness and anti-aging for women. Our procedures can help address the aesthetic and functional issues in order to restore a woman’s intimate well-being.

What are the benefits of the Climax O-Shot?

The Climax O-Shot will help with increase sensation in the areas treated. It's a simple in-office procedure with no downtime.

  • Increase sensitivity in the clitoris, intensifying orgasms
  • Decrease vaginal dryness
  • Increase vaginal lubrication
  • May help with urinary incontinence (urinary leakage)

*Results may vary from patient to patient.

Climax Shot™ Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Climax O-Shot?

The Climax Shot can also be referred to as the Sex Shot or Orgasm Shot. The Climax Shot™ uses your own blood (plasma-rich platelets) and is injected into the clitoral area, vaginal opening, g-spot & urethra opening. The result may help increase sensitivity & sensation to the area and ultimately increase the ability to orgasm more easily!

How does the Climax O-Shot work?

Your doctor uses a concentration of platelets derived from your own blood and is injected into the vaginal area.

The treatment begins with a simple blood draw, which is then spun in a powerful centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. Your doctor then injects this “liquid gold”  back into the part of your body that needs restoring.

When will I feel the results?

Most women will notice an immediate increase in sensitivity with full results two weeks following the Climax Shot treatment.

The full regenerative process continues over several weeks and results typically last about a year. In some cases, a second treatment may be needed to achieve optimal results.

Does Climax O-Shot hurt?

Before the procedure starts you will be given a local numbing cream. Most patients report little to no discomfort during the treatment.

"Dr.Kafali is extremely knowledgeable. She took the time to address all my needs and made me feel very comfortable throughout the entire process. I felt very supported the whole time and my results are AMAZING! She truly exceeded my expectations. I 1000% recommend Dr.Kafali and FemSculpt!"

When can I have sex after the Climax O-Shot procedure?

You can resume sexual activity immediately following your Climax Shot treatment.

We recommend direct and regular stimulation to the treated area e.g. sexual intercourse or masturbating every day for at least two weeks following your treatment. Stimulating the area will increase blood flow to further increase the effects of the platelet-rich-plasma growth factors, further intensifying the results.

For more on Climax O-Shot, read our blog post >>HERE.

How long does the Climax O-Shot last?

The Climax Shot may last anywhere from six to twelve months and will vary from patient to patient due to factors such as your sex life, metabolism.

Patients are advised to come back for a touch-up treatment once the effects decrease.

How much does the Climax O Shot in Chicago cost?

The cost for a single Climax O-Shot treatment at FEMSCULPT will start at $1,750.

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Dr. Sue Kafali

Dr. Sue Kafali is a board-certified Cosmetic Gynecologist.

Board Certified OB/GYN, Cosmetic Gynecologist & Wellness Doctor

Dr. Sue Kafali, FACOG, is board-certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.  Dr. Kafali's Chicago background in gynecology and female reproductive health inspired her to open the first and only practice dedicated exclusively to cosmetic gynecology & sexual wellness for women. Dr. Sue Kafali specializes in performing vaginal rejuvenation procedures, including
Labiaplasty Labia Minor Reduction, Vaginal Tightening, Labial Puff Fat Transfer, Labial Puff Filler Injections, O-ShotCleft of Venus Narrowing, Perineoplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Vaginal Tightening (Vaginoplasty).

Dr. Kafali's dedication to women's health, compassion, and exceptional patient care has earned her numerous awards, including the Top 10 OB/GYN Doctors in Illinois.

Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong

A man in a suit, Dr. Truong, sitting on a chair.

Triple Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

Anh-Tuan Truong, MD, FACS, FAACS, is a skilled cosmetic surgeon double board-certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Located in River North, Chicago, Dr. Truong's approach to enhancing a person's appearance achieves a stunning and natural result that works in harmony with each person's unique anatomy.

Dr. Truong has extensive education and over 20 years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery and aesthetics. He began his formal education at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana with a bachelor's degree in Pre-Med and English.
A seductive woman in updated lingerie showcasing her allure in a sophisticated art gallery.

See Femsculpt's before & after gallery. With thousands of surgeries, and zero serious complications, it’s no wonder our cosmetic surgeons are among the Top Cosmetic Gynecology surgeons in Chicago.

Contact Us

FemSculpt™ is the first Cosmetic Gynecology practice exclusively dedicated to Vaginal Rejuvenation & Intimate Wellness in Chicago, Illinois. We offer both in-person consultations for $250 and virtual consultations for $150. Simply sign up below and you will receive an call and email from our patient coordinator to schedule. You may call our office (312) 809-9983  to schedule right away. The cost of your consultation will be applied towards the cost of your procedure.

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