Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Procedure: How Does It Work?

AVIVA is a revolutionary non-surgical labiaplasty procedure available at FemSculpt in Chicago, Illinois that offers a scarless labiaplasty or non-surgical alternative. The treatment is designed to address aesthetic and functional concerns related to the size of the outer or inner labia tissue. This innovative technique employs controlled heat to gently reshape and reduce the labia. Notably, AVIVA’s transformative potential extends beyond the labia, encompassing areas like the clitoral hood, vaginal opening, perineum, and mons pubis area.

What are the benefits and advantages of a non-surgical labiaplasty?

Over the following six months, the labia tissue will continue to shrink naturally as the body boosts its collagen and elastin production. The benefits are noticeable as soon as one to two weeks following your procedure.

Who is a good candidate for a non-surgical labiaplasty?

Non-surgical labiaplasty is an excellent choice for women seeking to enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of their labia. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who encounter physical discomfort or pain during activities or intimate moments.

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for a non-surgical labiaplasty or a better candidate for a labiaplasty surgery, is to come in for a consultation with Dr. Sue Kafali for an in person or virtual consultation. This is also an opportunity to discuss your overall goals and ensure that this procedure would be safe and appropriate for you.

What is the recovery time for a non-surgical labiaplasty?

When undergoing an AVIVA non surgical labiaplasty in Chicago, Dr. Sue Kafali will first ensure you’re comfortable by applying a local anesthetic before the application of radiofrequency heat to the area. A typical session lasts around 30 minutes, and afterward, there’s a short recovery period of one to three days. During this time, patients are advised to refrain from exercise and sexual activity. The positive results usually become more apparent once any minor swelling diminishes, which typically occurs within one to two weeks following the procedure. Over the following six months, the labia tissue will continue to shrink naturally as the body boosts its collagen and elastin production.

As the weeks progress, you’ll start to notice the gradual changes in the labia tissue size as it naturally shrinks and remodels. The final results usually become more apparent within six months as your body’s collagen and elastin production continue to improve the tissue’s appearance.

Remember, every individual’s experience can differ slightly, so it’s important to discuss any concerns during your follow up appointment with Dr. Kafali for guidance during your non-surgical labiaplasty recovery.

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About Dr. Sue Kafali

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| Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Procedure: How Does It Work? |

Dr. Sue Kafali is a board-certified Cosmetic Gynecologist and among the best labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation experts. She is a top expert in women’s reproductive health and holds an accreditation in minimally invasive robotic surgery, making her one of the top cosmetic gynecology surgeons in Chicago and the country. FemSculpt Cosmetic Gynecology is the first practice dedicated exclusively to feminine rejuvenation. Our doctors are experts in female anatomy and vaginal rejuvenation treatments. Our procedures can help address the aesthetic and functional issues to restore a woman’s intimate well-being.

For a complimentary consultation with Dr. Sue Kafali, contact our office today.

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| Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Procedure: How Does It Work? |